Monday, April 30, 2012

Secret Service Scandal: Why Men Buy Sex

The Secret Service is running an internal investigation of its alleged involvement in a prostitution scandal in Colombia, even as rumors fly about visits by the President's security detail to strip clubs dating back as far as the Clinton administration. True or not, the allegations bring up an obvious question: Why would these men risk their jobs to buy sex?
In fact, research shows that men who buy sex do so for a variety of reasons, many of which vary by culture. Social acceptance of prostitution makes it more likely for men to seek out prostitutes, as do certain sexual attitudes. For some men, the risk is part of the appeal.
"One of the motivations behind seeking prostitutes for some men is that there's something exciting or risky about it," said Martin Monto, a sociologist at the University of Portland who has researched prostitution. "The illicit nature of it can make it more exciting."
"Johns" — or men who visit prostitutes — are not easy to study, given the secretive and often illegal nature of their sexual habits. Researchers have traditionally focused on the supply side of the prostitution equation, interviewing sex workers and trying to understand how women get into the business. (Women who visit prostitutes are even less studied, in part because they're much rarer than men who do so. According to news reports, the first legal male prostitute catering to women in Nevada, where prostitution is allowed, quit after two months, having served fewer than 10 customers.)
But good data on johns does exist, both from men who have been arrested for soliciting prostitutes and from large national surveys that ask people about their sexual experiences. These representative surveys suggest that only about 1 percent of men in the United States visit prostitutes in any given year. About 16 percent of men have visited a prostitute in their lifetime, according to these results.
Because of the danger of underreporting by men reluctant to admit their prostitution-related activities, other researchers have used arrest data to extrapolate out the number of men frequenting prostitutes. Those studies estimate that about 2 percent to 4 percent of American men have visited a prostitute in the last year, said Devon Brewer of the Seattle-based consulting firm Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, who has conducted these studies. 
What makes a john
Although johns make up a small portion of the population, large-scale studies show only a few differences between them and other men, Monto told LiveScience. Occasional users — men usually caught after propositioning an undercover police officer — are slightly less likely to be married than the general population of American men (59.3 percent versus 44.2 percent, respectively, according to a study by Monto published in the journal Violence Against Women in 2004). And if they are married, the marriage is more likely to be unhappy. Unsurprisingly, johns are more sexually liberal than men who don’t frequent prostitutes.
Military men are more likely to have visited prostitutes in their lifetime, likely due to both opportunity and professional culture, Monto said. The Secret Service is a "militarized" subculture itself, Monto said, perhaps explaining the current allegations that the agents hired prostitutes during President Barack Obama's recent trip to Colombia.
"It's learned in these types of professional subcultures that involve travelling far from your soil," Monto said. "They also involve local economies that cater to service members."
Men who report more contact with prostitutes tend to report more sexual partners, more sexual activity, less happy marriages and more sexually liberal attitudes than men who report soliciting a prostitute just once. Hobbyists or "sex tourists" — the kind of men who post on message boards that review call girls — tend to see frequenting prostitutes as a lifestyle and have much larger numbers of sex partners compared with occasional johns, Monto said.
Smaller-scale studies sometimes turn up more striking results. For example, a yet-unpublished study presented in 2011 by the anti-prostitution nonprofit Prostitution Research & Education, based in San Francisco, compared 101 men who had bought sex with 100 men with similar age, race and education level who had not (these men were also infrequent pornography users and had not visited a strip club more than once in the past year).
The sex-buying men were recruited through ads in newspapers and on Craigslist. They were more likely than non-sex-buyers to have a prior criminal history, to say they would commit rape if they could get away with it and to have coerced non-prostitute sex partners into sex. They were also worse at guessing how prostitutes would describe their jobs than the men who didn't buy sex — though johns often volunteered details on the harms of prostitution in in-depth interviews, said study researcher Melissa Farley.
"In general, most men know that prostitution and trafficking are harmful," Farley told LiveScience. "They're not under some naïve illusion that this is an activity women like to engage in."
Why visit a prostitute?
Results from studies like Farley's are difficult to generalize, given that men willing to volunteer for a research study may not be representative of sex-buyers as a whole (Farley said she'd expect to see similar results in a true national sample). But the stories the men tell can help explain why men visit prostitutes.
"Prostitution is for satisfying a man," one man told Farley and her colleagues. "It makes the world interesting; it creates variety, like a delicatessen — you order this, you [order] that."
In fact, the reasons why men visit prostitutes are rather unsurprising, according to Monto.
"If I were to take a group of 30 people and ask them to guess the top 10 reasons men seek out prostitutes, they would be correct," Monto said.
In other words, the motivations you've heard are true: Some men visit prostitutes because they want more sex or a different kind of person than their regular partner. Others are lonely. Still others are socially awkward and have trouble on the typical dating scene.
One 2006 study conducted in Sweden and published in the journal Sexologies reviewed research on why men frequent prostitutes and found that the answers fell in five categories. Some men had what the researcher called a "whore fantasy," marked by excitement tinged by a little bit of contempt, the "dirtiness" of the prostitute making the encounter more exciting. Others went for new sex, things they couldn't or wouldn't ask of their wives or girlfriends. A third motivation painted sex as a consumer product — men could go in, get what they wanted and get out with little fuss. Other men saw sex with prostitutes as a balm against loneliness. Many of these men were older, shy or physically handicapped and saw prostitutes as their only outlet for sex and female companionship.
Finally, the power dynamic of prostitution appealed to some men, who reported that sex workers treated them "like a man," and would do what they were told.
Violence and prostitution
The most troubling johns, of course, are those who act violently toward prostitutes. Identifying these men is like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack, the Interdisciplinary Scientific Research firm's Brewer told LiveScience.
Comparing violent johns with other sex-buyers arrested in the same communities, Brewer and his colleagues have found that the best way to predict a violent john is by previous violent behavior. Johns who had a history of violence, rape and property offenses such as burglary and theft were more likely to assault or murder prostitutes.
"If law enforcement, when they're investigating crimes of violence against prostitutes, would focus on men with a history of rape or violent offense, that would almost get half of prostitute-killers," Brewer said. "It's obviously a large pool of men, but using that as your starting basis, investigators can narrow down quite a bit the scope of men they have to focus on."
In Colombia, where the Secret Service scandal erupted, exploitation of women is a huge problem, Farley said. She has interviewed Colombian prostitutes in Bogata — women are moved around the country to areas of most demand, she said — and found high rates of coercion.
"These are largely trafficked women, not just a few trafficked women," Farley said, adding, "The ones that are not are coerced into prostitution by extreme poverty, by a need to survive."

Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer
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8 Stunning Statement Skirts …

A statement skirt will be the hero piece of your wardrobe this season. A skirt in a bright colour, bold pattern, or with interesting embellishments will hit all the right marks. Team your statement skirts with plain t-shirts and neutral shoes for an effortless take on this new season trend. Take a look at some stylish statement skirts below.

1. Topshop Shimmer Skater Skirt

 Perfect for a night out on the town, this skirt makes a statement in metallics. It has a skater style design with a fitted waistband. Wear it with a slinky top and strappy pumps at night or, alternatively, dress it down with a chunky knit and brogue shoes during the day.

2. Milly Ostrich Feather Skirt

 Interesting textures and materials make for great statement skirts. This seemingly simple black mini skirt is given a statement-making twist in the form of ostrich feather embellishments. This skirt would look great teamed with a simple blouse, pumps, and rose gold jewellery.

3. Bettie Page Polka-Dot Skirt

 Polka dots are overtaking stripes as the must-have print this season. If you want a statement skirt that’s more vintage inspired, then take a look at this beauty. This knee length skirt features large velvety black dots and is full of body. Vamp it up by wearing it with a bustier style top and patent heels.

4. . Topshop Premium Sequin Pelmet Skirt

Sequins are still a popular embellishment to look out for this season. They play especially well into the whole marine trend that’s taking hold at the moment – especially when they come in mesmerising green colours like this skirt. Wear this skrit with a loose blouse, strappy sandals, and an oversized leather clutch.


5. Topshop Chain Print Skirt

 If you want a statement skirt that’s more appropriate for the daytime, then take a look at this number. It features a bold chain print, which is quite on-trend for the moment. The combination of navy and white is also quite classic. This skirt would look great worn with a plain white t-shirt and ballet flats.

6. Modcloth a Fine Lime Skirt

 Neon colours are a sure-fire way to make a statement this season. Take the lead from designers like Alexander Wang and invest in a neon skirt for your wardrobe. This lime green skirt from Modcloth is a more affordable option. Team your neon with neutrals for an effortlessly chic look.


7. DKNY Sequined Stretch Silk Skirt

 It seems like every designer is a bit partial to sequins and metallics this season. Rose gold is also a popular colour trend right now, so you’ll be hitting all the right notes in this statement skirt. This skirt also features a chiffon overlay for added drama. It would look great worn with matching neutral tops and accessories.

8. Topshop Kaleidoscope Print Pencil Skirt

 You can’t go past a bold, eye-catching print. This kaleidoscope printed skirt also comes in this season’s must have silhouette – the pencil skirt. For a casual weekend look, team a pencil skirt with a tank top and flat sandals.
You can find a statement skirt to suit all budgets. If you’re after something truly unique, keep an eye out for one-off vintage pieces or make your own from interesting fabrics. Which of these statement skirts do you like best?

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Sunday, April 29, 2012

8 Smart Tips for a Successful Career in Fashion …

Career in fashion – I’m sure there are plenty of budding fashionistas who’ve daydreamed about those three elusive words. If you’re truly passionate about fashion, and willing to do the hard slog, then why not turn that pipedream into a reality? For those starting out, internships are great for getting your foot in the fashion door. Depending on what career path you want to take, the following are some tips for those after successful fashion careers.

1. Intern

Internships are a great way to help you inform yourself on what part of the fashion industry you’d most like to be a part of. You’ll have to pull the hard yards and take the ‘work from the bottom up’ approach, but the contacts you make and lessons you learn along the way can be invaluable. If you make a good impression, there’s also the chance of securing a job once your internship is over. Types of internships, however, may vary depending on what’s available in your area.

2. Work Hard

This may be a no brainer, and apply to any other career as much as a fashion career, but you’re going to have to work hard. If there’s anything that we’ve learnt from ‘The Devil Wears Prada’, it’s that a career in fashion isn’t all glamour. It’s a demanding industry. There’s a lot of behind the scenes work going on. But if you put your head down and work hard, you’ll reap the rewards down the track.


3. Take in as Much as You Can

Learn from your mentors. It pays to observe your surroundings and take in as much information as you can. Become some sort of human fashion sponge. Also, be willing to ask questions because this can only help you reach your potential.

4. Be Willing And Eager

We can’t all instantly become editor-in-chiefs of top magazines or head designers of fashion houses. If you’re picky about the jobs that are handed to you, then don’t bother with a career in fashion. Along with talent and skill set, having a genuine enthusiasm and eagerness for the industry is what will get you hired.

5. Be a Good Communicator

Fashion careers are built on networking. It’s all about who you know. Therefore, communication is key. Fashion is a fast paced industry so it’s important to respond to people in a timely manner. Also, remember to be professional, even on social networking sites.


6. Maintain a Level of Professionalism

So you may be blinded by the parties and fashion weeks, but no one’s going to want to hire you if you’re not professional. Treat everyone you meet with respect and do your best to represent who you’re working for well. You never know who you’ll be working with next so it pays to make a (professional) impression.

7. Know The Importance of Teamwork

Fashion is a collaborative endeavour. You’ll often find yourself working in teams across varying departments. It pays to listen to others, be patient, and be assertive. The previous tips on communicating and being professional also come into play when it comes to teamwork.

8. Stay Excited

You’ve got to be truly passionate about the fashion career path you want. Fashion isn’t always an easy career path. If you go into it without fully knowing what you’re getting yourself into, you can easily become disillusioned with it all. You can always tell when someone is genuinely excited and passionate about the work they’re doing.
Whether you’re an aspiring fashion designer, writer, stylist, or publicist; the key to a successful career in fashion lies with your enthusiasm and passion for the job. Be prepared to pull the hard yards and take in as much from your superiors as you can. What’s your dream fashion career?

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9 Tips on How to Dress for Spring …

How To Dress For Spring – you heard me right, it’s nearly that time of the year again. Spring is just around the corner in the northern hemisphere, so it’s time to start thinking about next season’s wardrobe. How to dress for spring can sometimes be tricky to manoeuvre, and requires quite a transitional wardrobe. Take a look at the following tips on how to dress for spring.

1. Light Layers

Dressing for spring means slowly losing all those heavy winter layers. Instead, keep your outfits interesting by layering with lighter fabrics. Sheer fabrics are a key trend this year, so try incorporating a sheer dress or skirt into the mix when looking at how to dress for spring.

2. Tone down

Spring wardrobes are typically fresher and lighter. Tone down on heavy winter colours such as black and grey. Opt for lighter neutral shades such as caramel and cream. Marle grey colours are cool choice as well, and look great against soft pastel colours.

3. Crisp Whites

There’s no better way to shrug off dreary winter fashion than by embracing crisp white fabrics. A white collared shirt can be dressed up with a pair of tailored trousers or dressed down with slouchy shorts. When knowing how to dress for spring, it’s important to recognise versatile items such as this.

4. Pastels

Spring is about incorporating colour into your wardrobes. Start off the transition with pastel shades in blue, peach, and mint. Pastels look great anchored against white and grey basics.


5. Thin Knits

Keep thinner knits in your wardrobe for cool spring days and nights. When looking at how to dress for spring, remember to prepare for unexpected weather conditions. Layer your knits over floaty sun dresses for a classically spring look.

6. Florals

Warmer weather and floral fabrics go hand in hand. A pretty floral dress is a classic but don’t forget separates such as shirts, shorts, and skirts. This spring, try the trend of clashing patterns and team your florals with stripes for an on-trend look.


7. Midis

Midi length skirts and dresses are a chic option for spring dressing. It’s a great way to ease into baring some skin after being hidden away under layers of clothing in the winter months.

8. Blazers

When it comes to how to dress for spring, don’t forget your work wardrobe. Transform your office looks with a tailored blazer. A sharp white or cream blazer is a great way to freshen up your spring look. It is also a smart way to pull together an outfit.


9. Sandals

When the weather is warm enough, let your feet see the sunlight by donning a pair of strappy sandals. This will instantly ‘spring up’ an outfit. Tan leather sandals look great during the day, especially when worn with neutral and pastel colour combinations.
These are just some classic ideas when it comes to how to dress for spring. Your spring wardrobe should reflect the changing seasons. It’s about shedding the extra layers of winter excess and embracing a lighter, fresher aesthetic. What are your best tips for how to dress for spring?

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7 Stylish Spring Fashion Trends …

Spring Fashion Trends are something to look forward to after the dreary winter. When we look at spring fashion trends, they’re mostly uplifting and fun. In 2012 we’ll see a mix of both the old and new. Last year’s neon and pastel trends will be reinvented, and futuristic silhouettes will be making an appearance. The following are a few spring fashion trends to keep an eye on.

1. Futuristic

Technology is a big part of our lives these days, and now it’s about to become a big part of our wardrobes as well. Anything with a futuristic vibe this spring will be extremely on-trend. Choose clothes with matte metallic finishes or fabric with a slight shimmer. When it comes futuristic spring fashion trends, look for clothes with slightly more angular silhouettes.

2. Asymmetric Hemlines

A graduated hemline will be your ticket into the style stakes this spring. Whether your hem is shorter at the front and longer at the back or longer to one side, just make sure it’s asymmetric. This trend isn’t really that feasible in winter, but when spring hits get ready to show some leg with an asymmetric hemline.

3. Oceanic

When deciding on your spring colour palette, look to the ocean for inspiration. Aqua, topaz, and azure shades are where it’s at. Flowing fabrics are perfect for this spring fashion trend as well. Additionally, channel a mermaid and look for clothes with pearl or sequin embellishments – anything that slightly resembles scales.


4. Jungle Prints

Take a walk on the wild side and pick up a piece of jungle print this spring. Look for tropical prints with larger than life motifs. Lush greens and vibrant red and blue hues are where it’s at. However, be sure to stay clear of anything resembling a Hawaiian shirt. Add a bit of animal print in the form of accessories to complete the jungle vibe.

5. Cutouts

Cutouts are going to be bigger than ever this spring. It’s not about the obvious cutouts though – this season is a bit more demure, a bit more peek-a-boo. Laser cut leather garments are a contemporary choice and are a tougher take on this spring fashion trend. Layer a cutout piece over another garment for a less revealing take on the trend.

6. Printed Jackets

A statement jacket will be the hero piece of your wardrobe this spring. The desired shape is the bomber jacket, in a lightweight fabric and sporty cut. When it comes to spring fashion trends, the printed jacket is all about excess. The bolder the pattern, the better!


7. Faded Neons

Faded neon colours are the key to your spring wardrobe. Not quite pastel and not quite neon, these hues are somewhere in between. For this spring fashion trend, stick to lemon, peach, mint, and watermelon shades. A faded neon shirt tucked into bleached denim shorts is one way of creating the perfect sun-kissed look.
Spring fashion trends for this year seem to gravitate around bold, experimental looks. It’s definitely not a time to be shying away from the limelight. However, you can easily incorporate these spring fashion trends into your everyday look simply with the help of a few accessories. What are your hot tips for spring fashion trends?
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9 Takes on the New Skinny Jean …

Skinny Jeans are a firm fixture on the fashion scene. Despite a current push towards wide-legged styles, skinny jeans are still as popular as ever. However, with each new season comes new trends. Fittingly, skinny jeans are being reinvented and reworked to fit in with new season styles. Below are just a few takes on the new skinny jeans.

1. Helmut Lang Metallic Skinny Jeans

 Metallics, metallics, metallics! Anything metallic is sure to earn you instant cool points this season. These black skinny jeans have an on-trend twist in the form of a silver metallic finish. Work a slightly understated look by teaming these jeans with a loose silk blouse and neutral pumps. 

2. Rag & Bone Galaxy Printed Jeans

 Printed jeans are having quite the fashion moment, and these ones feature a unique galaxy print. These skinny jeans are made from a purple stretch denim and feature an all-over white and black galaxy print. These would look great worn with an oversized knit sweater and flat ankle boots. 

3. Moto Glitter Spray Jeans

 As well as metallics and prints, glitter is also a trend to take note of. Burgundy coloured items are ideal for fall/winter, and these particular jeans feature an all-over glitter finish. They’re perfect for wearing on a night out on the town, with a slinky black top and patent heels. 

4. Notify Bamboo Python Print Jeans

 Channel your inner rockstar in a pair of python print jeans. These ones come in a black and red colourway and feature a metallic python print finish. They’d look great worn with a long-sleeved jersey tee, metallic collar necklace, and high-heeled ankle boots. 


5. Topshop Metallic Foil Star Jeans


6. Moto Tomato Cord Skinny Jeans

 Corduroy is enjoying a comeback. Work a fresh and funky look in this pair of bright red cord jeans from Topshop. They have classic five pocket detail and feature authentic trims. They’d look great paired with a chunky cable knit, brown lace up boots, and a messenger-style satchel. 


7. Moto Dogtooth Skinny Cords

 These jeans have a retro, mod-inspired feel to them. They are made from cord and feature a black and beige dogtooth pattern. Wear these with a black pea coat and brogues for a really retro-inspired outfit. 

8. Current/Elliot Cropped Skinny Jeans

 Cropped jeans are an emerging popular style of skinny jeans. They are great for showing off a pair of statement ankle boots. These Curren/Elliot jeans feature ecru and taupe stripe detailing, and are a great alternative to darker denim jeans. 


9. Maison Martin Margiela Beaded Skinny Jeans

 These beads are certainly ‘out there’. They are made from black rigid denim and feature bead fringe detailing at the legs. At close to $2000, they’re out of reach for us mere mortals, but they’re interesting to look at nonetheless.
This season’s skinny jeans come in a range of styles and designs. From metallics to out-of-this-world prints, it seems that the one thing you want your skinny jeans to do is to make a statement. What are your thoughts on these skinny jeans?
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7 Ways to Give Your Old Shoes a Makeover …

One of the saddest days a girl can experience in her sartorial life is the day her favourite pair of shoes begin to show their age. Another sad moment is digging a barely-worn pair of shoes out of the back of your wardrobe, and realising that this pair that you spent $100 on, have only painted the town red once or twice. Girls, we feel your pain – which is why we’ve racked our heads and stormed together our seven favourite tips for giving your old shoes a fresh look, without having to break the bank. No matter the colour, height or style, read through our guide to giving your old biddies a few more stylish walks in the park. After all, the shoe must go on!

1. To Dye For

this is one of the quickest, cheapest, and most popular methods of giving your old shoes a makeover. You can also unleash your creative side which is always exciting, and it gives you a feeling of achievement. Shoe dye can be bough from any hardware shop and is very easy to use. Leather is the easiest to dye but there are also specialised dyes for suede and nubuck shoes.

2. Call Upon Your Cobbler

If the problem is the fit of your shoes, why not go to a cobbler for a custom fit? They can make almost any adjustments you require, such as altering the width of the calf to be narrower or wider, or even turning longer boots into ankle Boots. New shoes in an instant!

3. All That Glitters

Adding embellishments or glitter will instantly update your shoes and turn what was once a dull, drab pair of courts into head-turning statement heels! Most craft shops will sell a great variety of glitters, beads and embellishments for you to get creative with, and all well under $10.

4. Add Or Remove Straps

To instantly give your pair of shoes a makeover, why not add some ankle straps to your beloveds? This can be done with loafers or heels to create vintage, Mary-Jane looks. You could even remove straps that you were never too keen on and turn indifference into love with one quick scissor snip!


5. Give Your Heels…New Heels!

Yes, it’s true. You can have brand new heels fitted onto your favourite pair if they’re looking a little bit fragile and uncomfortable. This quick makeover fix will give you the option to alter the heel in a way that is most comfortable and stylish for you.

6. Paint A Design

Unleash your creativity with a paintpot and brrush to  instantly refresh your look. Use all purpose craft paint and masking tape to create designs such as polka dots or stripes to create one-off designs.


7. Tie A Ribbon

It is that simple! Pick a fabric you love and use it to cut two strips that are good sizes for the front of your flat shoes. Use a glue fun to add a small dollop to the back of the ribbon and press it down on the fron of your shoe for 15 seconds. For a more adaptable look, try threading your bow of choice with a needle to the front of your shoe. Snip the thread whenever you want a new look.
Which of these makeover tips have you tried before? Or do you have other tips that will revamp your shoe style?

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Sweet revenge: Dentist pulls ALL of ex-boyfriend’s teeth out after getting dumped

A dentist in Poland is being investigated after she pulled out all of her ex-boyfriend’s teeth.

Revenge is a dish best served with novocaine.
A dentist in Poland, dumped by her boyfriend, got payback by removing all of her former lover’s teeth — leading his new lady to dump him, too.
Anna Mackowiak could face three years in jail after she agreed to treat her ex-boyfriend, Marek Olszewski, when he asked her to help with a toothache just days after he broke up with her.
“I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions,” Mackowiak, 34, told the Daily Mail. “But when I saw him lying there I just thought, ‘What a bastard.’”
Mackowiak then allegedly gave Olszewski, 45, a massive dose of anaesthetic and coldly plucked out his teeth one by one.
She then wrapped his jaw in bandages to prevent him from opening his mouth — and then simply walked away.
“I knew something was wrong because when I woke up I couldn’t feel any teeth and my jaw was strapped up with bandages,” Olszewski told the British newspaper.
But he did not realize the horror of what happened until he got back to his Wroclaw apartment.
“But when I got home I looked in the mirror and couldn’t f---ing believe it. The b---h had emptied my mouth.”
Olszewski, who will get implants, said his new girlfriend could not handle being with a man who did not have teeth — and dumped him.
Mackowiak is being investigated for medical malpractice.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

I really love Fountain

oh,that was my lovely chair

Is this a car?

OMG,what a strong ant!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

another strange phenomenon

what a happy and cute snake?

two so cute friends

download programs and softwares

and here is a rabbit programmer

hi kitty

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

we wash our cute dog and our clothings together!

when a parrot ruin a laptop keyboard

I wonder which one is real

Monday, April 2, 2012

what a 3d painting

just laugh plz

what would he do if she were real?

Things to do when the Internet is down

Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to turn broken plates into tabletops


Break the plates into smaller pieces with a hammer.

The pieces don’t need to be even or equal in size, but you need to be safe, so wear safety goggles and place the plates under cardboard or heavy fabric before you take a hammer to them.


Create a design you like on the tabletop without glue.

You can create a picture, a spiral pattern, or whatever strikes your fancy.

Remove the pieces from the dry layout in an orderly manner.

Try to keep the pieces in the same places. Essentially, you must move your design intact from the table to somewhere else so you can apply adhesive to the table.

Use a notched trowel to apply tile adhesive to the tabletop.

Using the trowel's notches to "rough up" the adhesive helps the plate pieces stick better.

Set the broken pieces into the adhesive and let it dry according to the adhesive instructions.

Use a slight twisting motion to set the pieces in the adhesive. Don't slide them into place.

Use a rubber-backed trowel to apply premixed grout to the mosaic top to fill in the spaces between the broken pieces.

After the adhesive has dried, fill the gaps with grout.

Wipe a damp sponge over the surface to remove most of the excess grout. Let the grout dry, then wipe the surface again with a damp sponge.

Before you seal the table, make sure that it is clean, dry, and good-looking.

Let the grout cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions, then seal the tabletop with a tile and grout sealer to help protect the finish.

There are rolling bowlders alongside the road between North and South Korea to block the road in case of war

The road that connects North and South Koreas has a row of concrete bowlders resting above the road on each side. The bowlders are supported by temporarary plugs.

In case of war, the plugs are removed. The bowlders fall on the road and block it, so that enemy tanks can not go through.